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Early signs of Household Mold Exposure

Household molds are common in the environment. They can be found anywhere that has moisture and organic material. However, there are some early signs of household molds exposure that you should be aware of so that you can get properly tested for mold allergies or other health issues. If you have any concerns about your home being affected by a mold infestation, it's best to call an experienced mold remediation company, such as Flood Professional, INC. who can help you address this problem quickly before it gets worse.

What are the Early Signs of Household Mold Exposure?

Exposure to household mold has several early signs including:

  1. Skin Rash: A rash can occur for a variety of causes, one of which being exposure to household mold. Although it may appear that direct contact with the mold is the only way for the skin to become irritated, this is not always the case. Simply breathing mold gases might cause redness in your skin. If you have a rash on your skin and don't know what caused it, don't discount out household mold exposure. Go to a dermatologist who can assist you figure out what's wrong with you.
  2. Eye Irritation: Mold may readily irritate the eyes, which are a sensitive organ. When exposed to mold, it can induce both redness and watering of the eyes. Many individuals equate this with seasonal allergies throughout the spring months, when in fact the culprit is mold in their home or office. If your eyes do not clear up as the weather changes, it is possible that household mold is to blame.
  3. Headaches: Mold inhalation might induce headaches in some persons. This is particularly true for migraine sufferers. They are extremely sensitive to certain stimuli, and mold is one of them. If you get recurring headaches and see a pattern (for example, your headache disappears when you leave your house in the morning and reappears when you return), household mold might be the source.
  4. Feeling Tired: When our bodies aren't feeling well or are fighting off an infection, tiredness is frequently a sign. Fatigue may appear if you have been exposed to mold. While we all become weary from time to time, chronic tiredness usually indicates something more serious. Feeling weary for several days in a row, even if you're getting enough sleep, might be an early sign of household mold exposure.
  5. Sore Throat: Do you have strep throat or have you been exposed to household mold? Mold exposure is characterized by a raw feeling while swallowing and hoarseness when speaking. Mold spores can become trapped in the throat and irritate the delicate membranes, causing a raw, scratchy throat. If your sore throat doesn't go away after a week or two, it's time to see your doctor.
  6. Shortness Of Breath: Inhaling mold spores might cause respiratory problems in certain persons. This is especially common in those who have allergies or who have compromised immune systems. The very young and very old are also more vulnerable to respiratory problems as a result of household mold exposure. They may even acquire asthma or have asthma and be unaware that the mold in their houses is causing their asthma attacks.
  7. Runny Nose Or Sinuses: If you're frequently reaching for a tissue to wipe your runny nose, this might be a sign of mold exposure. This can be caused by an allergy to the mold spores or by the spores irritating the nasal membranes. In either scenario, you may misdiagnose yourself with a head cold or seasonal allergies, but if the runny nose persists, consider household mold as the culprit. Consider seeing your primary doctor or a doctor who specializes in allergies.
  8. Bleeding Nose: Although this is a rarer symptom, it does occur. Certain allergens produce severe responses in certain persons who are more susceptible to them. One of these responses might be damage to the nasal membranes, leading in frequent bleeding. If this is occurring to you, mold in your house may be to blame.

Do You Suffer From Early Signs of Household Mold Exposure?

If you notice that you are experiencing many or all of these early indications on a regular basis, it is recommended that you have your house inspected for mold. Household mold exposure is no laughing matter. It can have significant consequences for your health. Because the early symptoms are likely to be harsher while you are close to the mold, it is also a good idea to keep track of how your symptoms manifest. This will assist your doctor in diagnosing the problem.

If you leave your house every day to go to work and discover that you feel better throughout the day, this is a strong indication that something in your house is causing you misery. Keep track of when your symptoms begin and end each day. The same may be stated if you vacation and find yourself in better health after a day or two away. Your house should not make you sick, and identifying and addressing the mold problem will prevent this from happening.

Keep track of your symptoms for a week or two. If you observe a trend, a professional mold check may be in order. The sooner you detect and cure mold, the less harm it will cause to your home and your health. Keep in mind that mold isn't always apparent. Just because you don't see any mold in your home doesn't imply it isn't growing someplace. Also, don't make the mistake of believing your house is mold-free just because it's new or in good condition. Mold growth may have occurred if there is or has been a source of moisture.

A Household Mold Remediation Company Serving Florida

Contact Flood Professionals, Inc. at 305-697-9080 today for 24 hour water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, or mold remediation along with any of our other services or get an instant quote from our website. Our household mold remediation company will get to your Florida home and will help you remove household mold in your property in 30 to 60 minutes.

Learn more about What You Should Expect in Mold Removal Cost

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